Thema: Delphi Image resizer

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Registriert seit: 17. Sep 2006
Ort: Barchfeld
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Delphi 12 Athens

Re: Image resizer

  Alt 21. Dez 2008, 12:11
Here' s a procedure I wrote for a similar task. It converts a TGraphic into a TJPEGImage proportionally. For this you have to add the "jpeg"-unit to your uses-clause.
procedure StretchGraphic(const src: TGraphic; //the TGraphic to convert
                         const dest: TJPEGImage; //the TJPEGImage which receives the converted graphic
                         const DestWidth, DestHeight: integer); //maximum width and height of the destination jpeg
var temp, aCopy: TBitmap;
    faktor: double;
  if src.Width > DestWidth then
      faktor := DestWidth / src.Width;
      if (src.Height * faktor) > DestHeight then
        faktor := DestHeight / src.Height;
      faktor := DestHeight / src.Height;
      if (src.Width * faktor) > DestWidth then
        faktor := DestWidth / src.Width;
  aCopy := TBitmap.Create;
    aCopy.PixelFormat := pf24Bit;
    temp := TBitmap.Create;
      temp.Width := round(src.Width * faktor);
      temp.Height := round(src.Height * faktor);
        on E: Exception do
          MessageBox(0,PAnsiChar(E.Message),nil,MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR);
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