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Ein Thema von sakura · begonnen am 8. Jul 2003
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Registriert seit: 10. Jun 2002
Ort: Unterhaching
11.412 Beiträge
Delphi 12 Athens


  Alt 8. Jul 2003, 11:22
Dieser Code wurde uns von Hagen ("negaH") zur Verfügung gestellt und sollte natürlich sofort in die CodeLibrary.

Die vollen Informationen können folgendem Thread entnommen werden: Passwort auf Sicherheit prüfen.

function PassphraseQuality(const Password: String): Extended;
// returns computed Quality in range 0.0 to 1.0
// source extracted from Delphi Encryption Compendium, DEC

  function Entropy(P: PByteArray; L: Integer): Extended;
    Freq: Extended;
    I: Integer;
    Accu: array[Byte] of LongWord;
    Result := 0.0;
    if L <= 0 then Exit;
    FillChar(Accu, SizeOf(Accu), 0);
    for I := 0 to L-1 do Inc(Accu[P[I]]);
    for I := 0 to 255 do
      if Accu[I] <> 0 then
        Freq := Accu[I] / L;
        Result := Result - Freq * (Ln(Freq) / Ln(2));

  function Differency: Extended;
    S: String;
    L,I: Integer;
    Result := 0.0;
    L := Length(Password);
    if L <= 1 then Exit;
    SetLength(S, L-1);
    for I := 2 to L do
      Byte(S[I-1]) := Byte(Password[I-1]) - Byte(Password[I]);
    Result := Entropy(Pointer(S), Length(S));

  function KeyDiff: Extended;
    Table = '^1234567890ß´qwertzuiopü+asdfghjklöä#<yxcvbnm,.-°!"§$%&/()=?`QWERTZUIOPÜ*ASDFGHJKLÖÄ''>YXCVBNM;:_';
    S: String;
    L,I,J: Integer;
    Result := 0.0;
    L := Length(Password);
    if L <= 1 then Exit;
    S := Password;
    for I := 1 to L do
      J := Pos(S[I], Table);
      if J > 0 then S[I] := Char(J);
    for I := 2 to L do
      Byte(S[I-1]) := Byte(S[I-1]) - Byte(S[I]);
    Result := Entropy(Pointer(S), L-1);

  GoodLength = 10.0; // good length of Passphrases
  L: Extended;
  Result := Entropy(Pointer(Password), Length(Password));
  if Result <> 0 then
    Result := Result * (Ln(Length(Password)) / Ln(GoodLength));
    L := KeyDiff + Differency;
    if L <> 0 then L := L / 64;
    Result := Result * L;
    if Result < 0 then Result := -Result;
    if Result > 1 then Result := 1;
Daniel Lizbeth
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